Motti Vaknin
A serial entrepreneur, Motti brings to Cedar deep knowledge of the U.S. and Israeli enterprise software arena and offers his expertise as an accomplished entrepreneur and CEO.
Prior to Cedar, Motti served as CEO of BelnSync where he orchestrated its turnaround and acquisition by Phoenix Technologies (PTEC). He has also served as CEO and co-founder of WebLayers, a startup company in the SOA space and one of Cedar's Pre-Seed investments. Before that, Mr. Vaknin founded and held the position of CEO at Bridges for Islands (acquired by Attunity Ltd.) and was VP Sales and Marketing at Shiron Satellite Communication. Prior to Shiron, Motti was a technology and market information specialist.
Motti uses his expertise in the software area to focus on enterprise software, Enterprise, Cloud, SaaS, Mobile and Internet opportunities.